Monday, March 14, 2011

{Spring has almost sprung.}

 Isn't this silverware caddy darling? It's from Etsy. Check it out here.

I am so plum tired,
and today is not a day to be lazy!
I woke up at 8:30 (which felt like 7:30) to try to get an early start on all of the things that must be done. My final paper is coming along slowly but surely. Cross fingers that my self discipline doesn't let me down because I don't want to be scrambling around tomorrow 
trying to do things at the last minute. 
That would be all too typical.

Hope you're all having a great Monday <3


1 comment:

  1. I still haven't gotten use to the time change. I keep going to bed late and being exhausted in the morning. Hopefully it'll pass soon!

    Happy Friday!
