Tuesday, July 26, 2011

{Love song}

I really want a love song.

 (i mean, who doesn't?)

...a girl can dream...

Hey There Delilah-Plain White T's (<--- this one friggin kills me)

That's Beautiful To Me-Jaron and the Long Road to Love

Le sigh.

Good night, all <3


Monday, July 25, 2011

{Remind me}

As most of y'all know, I'm originally from Houston, TX (which is where I'm living again, currently) so even though I did grow up mostly in Baltimore, I do have a big place in my heart for country music. When I was growing up, watching Reba on the Country Music Awards was one of the biggest highlights of the year. In the late 90's,  a lot of the new country music coming out wasn't quite my thang, but every once in a while there are some new songs that I hear on the radio that I still fall in love with. Currently, that song is the new duet between Carrie Underwood and Brad Paisley called Remind Me. I wish SO BAD that there was a live version of this on youtube or a music video to post because I have a feeling it will be thebomb.com. I think the lyrics are so sweet and true. It's sad that so often we are so forgetful to show the people we love the attention that they deserve. Little by little, it becomes easier and easier to stop doing the things for one another that made you fall in love with each other to begin with. I so admire those couples who still go on dates years and years later, who still take the time to write a little love note, who get dressed up for one another, who lounge in their sweatpants together but he still tells her she looks pretty,  and who take the time to surprise each other. I think it's a rare kind of love, but one that I definitely aspire to.

(Take a listen)


{Hold the phone}

I have lots of things I've been wanting to post but my darn camera cord is missing and it's putting a damper on things. Sit tight, I'm hoping to locate it today so I can update y'all with some goodies. 

Hope your Monday is swell so far!


Monday, July 18, 2011

{ Monday Moanin' }

Everytime Monday rolls around I think of when I was in middle school and my mom would take me to the bus stop in the morning because the radio station we always listened to had this little segment called "Monday Moanin'" where people would call in and vent about little things that irritate the hoo-haw (don't ask what made me go with that phrase) out of them (like long traffic lights, or when someone puts the milk back in the fridge when there is only a sip left, etc, etc.) WHEW that was quite the run on sentence. Lo siento.

So in the spirit of Monday Moanin', I would just like to say how much I hate waking up with  stiff muscles. Every doggone morning I feel the need to take ibuprofen or some kind of pain reliever because my jaw, neck, and shoulders are so tense I could crack them in half. What on earth do I dream about at night that makes me wake up this way? Good grief. 

In other news, I now have a second job for the summer, and I'm hoping the dolla dolla bills will make up for the lack of time I will have on my hands. I'm pretty sure they will because I'm broke as a joke, y'all. 

Well, I'm off to get ready for work and get a second cup of coffee in me. I do love my coffee...

and I think I need these.

Have a good day <3


Friday, July 15, 2011

{Wanderlust and Chick Lit}

Sometimes I daydream about leaving school and becoming an Au Pair in somewhere in Europe. Just for a little while :). Maybe Greece or Ireland. I would love to go back to London again, too since I was so darn busy when I was there the first time a few years ago (wow time flies).

I do a lot of daydreaming. But maybe next summer I'll actually turn that dream to a reality. Minus the leaving school part. I'm hoping (cross your fingers and toes people) to study abroad in Spain next Spring, and just maybe stay in Europe a little while longer to Au pair and travel for part of the summer. Time will tell though, won't it? 


For now I'm curling up with my new library book before I have to head to work. I checked out Emily Giffin's Heart of the Matter, which I know is Chick- Lit but I am a chick after all and I enjoy her books. So there.

Hope you all enjoy your weekend <3


Sunday, July 10, 2011

{Summer lovin.}

Don't those photos just make you smile? They warm my heart right up.

I just returned from a relaxing night at a luxurious condo by the beach in Galveston, TX with family and I did not want to leave. Sitting on the beach at that sweet spot in the water where you're far enough in that the water washes over you but close enough to shore that you can sit down on the sandy bottom is truly the best. It's comforting to realize how big the world is, sometimes.

I'm back from paradise now and am currently trying to find a second job. The summer class I was planning on taking ended up falling through because I misunderstood the registration process/scheduling (it was way less complicated the last time I took a summer class in Maryland) but I'm not worried about it. I'm just going to do my best to save money, enjoy the summer and take everything one step at at time :)

This summer is going by at warp speed. Or is that just me?

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend <3

Thursday, July 7, 2011

{Hi, Blog}

Hey little blog,
I have not forgotten about you. I'm just not sure what to talk to you about right now.
See, I have a lot of my mind, little blog. But I'm not sure you're ready to hear it. 

I've attempted a few posts and have drafts sitting there waiting to be "published" but usually when things are quiet on here it's because I'm not exactly sure how to turn current events in my life into a blogger-friendly post. Here is what I'll say for now: things have changed a bit. im not sure i could call the changes good or bad. but i suppose they are necessary. i dont know what exactly some parts of my life will look like in a couple of months but no matter what i'm sure things will turn out just fine. 

meanwhile, i'm spending time with my family hanging out at the neighborhood wine bar

hanging out with Blakey Boy (the boy I'm nannying for this summer)
thinking, and writing. and hopefully reading, soon. I'm dying to pick up a new book to read.

I've also been daydreaming about new ideas for my Cincinnati apartment come September 1st. I'll update y'all with some of those deets soon. 

I should be off to bed. I saw Bridesmaids for the 4th time tonight. I know that's a little excessive but it makes me laugh. And if you've seen it, I want to marry Officer Rhodes. Tomorrow morning at 9am I'm being picked up by Blakey Boy and his grandma for an excursion to Ikea. Lord help me. I'm not sure how I'll survive with a two year old in Ikea for 4 hours but time will tell.

Hope you're all having a good week. Tomorrow is Friday :).
