Sunday, May 29, 2011

{I'm here!}

Hey y'all.
I'm sorrry for the lack of posts. It's that time of year. Getting ready for finals and packing up the apartment. I officially can NOT wait until June 7th. I'll have a great summer with my family to look forward to, and a fun-filled week in Disney world with Treasure and his family. Good lord I hope I can make it until then. 

This evening Kate and I stopped off at The Blind Lemon Cafe here in Cincinnati for a couple of cocktails...

Kate with her Merlot

 Me with my Twisted Tea (I <3 sweet tea vodka)

As I mentioned in my last post, I recently celebrated my 21st birthday.
My roommates Kelsey and Kate concocted QUITE the chocolate birthday cake for me. I was thrilled. I am a complete chocoholic.

 Don't let the picture fool ya. It was scrumptious.

They even allowed me to play Justin Bieber in the background while the cake was in the oven. 
That's love, friends. 

At midnight Kate and I went out for some birthday drinks and met up with a couple of my favorite ladies, Bennett and Caroline. I didn't get any pictures really because I didn't want to carry around my clunky camera but Kate snapped a couple!

  Birthday shots! Taken with Kate's iphone

On my actual birthday I was greeted with these beauties:

 My mom, step-dad and sister sent these to me along with some dark chocolate. Flowers + Dark Chocolate=my heaven. Such a lovely surprise :)

Then Kate and I made a trip over to the mall to browse around and ate dinner at The Cheesecake Factory with our friend Alexandria :)

I had a second birthday cake (Red Velvet Cheesecake. Amen.)

And Kate and I ended the night in the best way I could ever imagine: watching The Real Housewives of Orange County with wine and M&M's. It was such a great weekend and I'm so thankful to have such thoughtful friends, and especially Kate for navigating the whole weekend. It's great to have friends that go the extra mile to make you feel special, and I'm really lucky to have that in her.

By the way, if you are wondering what Treasure got me, I assure you I'll fill you in as soon as his gift arrives, the shipping has taken a wee bit longer than expected. Hopefully this week :).

Hope you're all having a great holiday weekend. I'm probably going to spend tomorrow going for a run, packing up my room, getting some school work done and being lazy. How about y'all?


Monday, May 23, 2011

{What I would give...}

I want to be there.

With balloons.

I'm watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey and I'm about to move on to my third glass of wine.

It's delicioso. 
I turned 21 yesterday, by the way.

I'll tell y'all about that tomorrow :)

So very much to do this week.
So little time and money to work with but I'm gonna make it happen!

See you all very soon <3


Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I spend a lot of my time looking at things that I want or places I wish I could go, and stressing about where in the world is carmen san diego  my life is going. I seem to always convince myself that just doing what I'm doing today is not enough.

Over Spring Break I went to Texas to see my family and we made our way to this hole in the wall bar on the water where you grab your beer out of a bucket and they fry you shrimp for free. While I was sitting there laughing with my family in an old t-shirt with my hair piled in a messy bun, drinking a cold beer, listening to the old man strumming his guitar and singing and feeling the breeze come off the water, I felt a sense of peace that I couldn't remember feeling for a really long time. My life is not perfect, and I struggle a lot to maintain balance and battle with my own bad habits and lose sight of what matters too easily. But at the end of the day, I'm just glad I have a family who helps me to remember the things in life that matter most, and that at my core, I really am a simple girl. If I've got support, my health, people to laugh with, and maybe a Coors Light, I've pretty much got it made.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

{Each day.}

I've been trying to think about this everday for the last couple of months. It helps me approach my days with some purpose.The last two days I've fallen off the wagon, mostly because I've been so tired. This cold, rainy weather puts me in a zombie-like state, but starting tomorrow I'll be back on track. No excuses :). For now, I'll relax with a good chick-lit book and drink some tea. Some may disagree but I think that will take care of the "mind" portion of my day ;). To each his own, y'all. 

Hope you all have a good night!



My friend Allyson and her man-friend Josh are hoping to win a photoshoot with Angelynn Photography.

Please help them win by voting!

1. Vote on the blog ( by posting the name of the couple you want to win in the comments section.
2. Vote on Facebook by "Liking" the Angelynn Photo Fan Page and type "VOTE" in the comments section on the image of the couple you want to win.
You can only vote ONE time on the Fan Page and ONE time on the Blog, multiple votes in either location will not be counted. 

Thank you <3



Friday, May 13, 2011



I don't know why this makes me tear up every time I watch it.
Gawd I'm such a girl.

I used to have this obsession with "cute quirks" in people.
That's what this song reminds me of.
My friend Carli always had a ton of them. Such as, she would pour milk into her bowl before she poured the cereal. She had her reasons but I don't remember them. Also, when she eats doritos she examines each side first and picks the side that has the most uh...seasoning?...on it and puts that part face down on her tounge (that was harder to describe than I thought it would be)
Y'all know what I mean?
Cute quirks are easy to identify on others but I always felt rather quirkless.

Hope you all have a good weekend <3



Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Oh my heavens.
I stumbled upon Birchbox today.
It's a beauty/makeup subscription service that's $10.00 per month (you can cancel any time) that sends you boxes of samples each month (the boxes are ca-yuuute.) Or you can pay $110.00 for the whole year. I wanttt. Should I do it? Should I? I really can't spend $110.00 all at once, but perhaps if I just do it monthly? I can cancel anytime. Right? RIIIGHT?

Oh dear.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

{Mothers Day.}

Happy Mother's Day to all of the moms out there, and especially to my own. Thank you for always being selfless, for caring about Chelsea and I more than you care about yourself, for teaching me to be generous and courageous, for being there every single time I've ever needed you, for taking on more responsibility than I could ever bear, and for making the time we spend together so much fun. 

I love you, Madre.

Friday, May 6, 2011

{Chick Flicks and Eye Candy.}

I wish I was wearing this today. Sadly I'm wearing ratty running shorts and a wifebeater (gawd I hate that word) that I stole from Treasure. I get dressed in gym clothes most mornings because then I have no excuse not to go. Allllways thinkin'. 

Tonight I'm going to go see Something Borrowed with my roomie, Kate. I'm ridiculously excited. First of all, I love rom-coms. They are my personal poison. I know as someone who has acted for most of her life that I should be pickier but I can't help it. I prefer to smile rather than cry and I prefer to feel light rather than heavy. Not that those moments don't have their place. But ya know, it's Friday night y'all.
PLUS, I read the book last year before I knew it was being made into a movie and I adored it. PLUS there are some cutie patooties in this movie (none as cute as you, Treasure.) Including John Krasinski. 

I love him. Funny will get you everywhere, boys.

Welllp, a midterm is calling my name.

Hope you all have a wonderful day!


Thursday, May 5, 2011

{As of late.}

dinner=grilled chicken, salad with rasberry cabernet dressing and a sweet potato. delish.

Reading/blogging nook. I don't even want to think about how much money I've spent on the magazines filling that darn thing.

The living room lookin' Springy.
Carnations can be pretty too, y'all.


 This is my friend Mack. He is my most loyal blog reader. Probably because he is a simple girl just like me <3. If only everyone could be as simple as us.

These are my friends Ian and Ty. I don't think they're very loyal blog readers, nor would I consider them to be simple girls, but they're pretty funny so I guess they can stay :).

Even the cheapest flowers at Kroger brighten up my day.

That's all folks. Enjoy this lovely evening!


P.S. When I make my pictures big like this it seems to complicate things. Why is my text all off centered? It's driving me flippin crazy and I can't look at it any longer. Good day.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

{Morning, Morning!}

Breakfast and coffee with a side of House Beautiful.
(that's salsa on the eggs, incaseyouwerewondering)

It is so doggone dreary here. Cincinnasti has never looked nastier.

I'm going to try to make today productive anyway. Hopefully I'll check some items off of my to do list, get some homework done, and get in a good workout.  I also have a therapy appointment today, which I am very much looking forward to. I actually really love seeing my therapist. She's just so darn sweet, and I want to be her friend. That'd probs be weird though.

I've been avoiding my to do list for a couple of days even though I KNOW that actually getting things done that are on it will make me feel so much better in the end. And since I'm trying to stop giving into instant gratification, it's time to bite the bullet and just do it already.

Okay, y'all, sorry for blabbing about nothing but I just felt like poppin' in to say hello.
Hope everyone has a good day :)
