Tuesday, January 14, 2014

{ simplicity }

you know when life feels awfully cluttered? i walked into my apartment yesterday and all i could see was stuff. random jackets and stacks of papers piled on the dining room table, shoes scattered over the floors, clothes overflowing out of hampers and toiletries and makeup covering the top of our bedroom dresser. and don't even get me started on what happens if you open our hall closet. have you guys seen that friends episode with monica's secret closet? that's exactly what ours looks like. and that's my exact reaction when someone opens it. ugh. gives me hives just thinking about it. combining two peoples lives in one small apartment just starts to feel a tad overwhelming. 

so anyway. i can't stop thinking about how much i just want to get rid of EVERYTHING. how nice it would feel to just have quality things that we need instead of random things that we never use. it's time to purge the broken vacuum cleaner and the clothes i'll never wear again - and yes, many of the old trinkets from trevor's college apartment that will (i'm sorry to say) most likely never see the light of day have got to finally go. (don't feel too bad, i already purged my own pink pillows and other items that i knew would never make it into the apartment when we moved in.)

how lovely would it feel to walk into your home and not see things falling out of every corner? why do i need five different types of skin lotions? why do we have 15 toothbrushes? (lord, please tell me i'm not alone or this is going to be mighty embarrassing.)

so that's my goal for the next month. simplify. purge. quality, not quantity. organize.

thanks for stopping in y'all. lovelovelove.

1 comment:

  1. I think I've reached the same point. I moved in with my boyfriend last spring and while I thought we did a good job with the pre-move purge, the clutter has snuck back in. I'm hoping I can trash the stuff we don't use and conceal the minimum stuff we need. Good luck! It's a tough job but so refreshing!
