Sunday, September 11, 2011

{Ch-ch-ch-changes & Life Lately}

Hey y'all.

As I mentioned a few posts ago, I decided to change my blog name and domain address. I'm really excited the pending changes and I hope you guys will stick with me. I'm not sure when a new design for the blog will debut (funds are a bit tight right now) but please keep your eyes peeled, because it's at the top of my to do list. I just switched my domain and everything is transitioning so I'm sorry if things are a bit wonky for the next few days.

The reason I landed on this blog name is because about six months ago I came across the word reverie with the definition scribbled next to it: a state of dreamy meditation or fanciful musing. Ever since then, the word has stuck with me. I am such a dreamer. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't let my mind wander into daydreams. But more and more, I've been trying to grasp how to translate a reverie to reality. That idea is definitely one that will be present in this little blog of mine and I'm really excited for what's to come. Something about Fall just feels like the right time to move forward with projects that have been sitting on the back burner for a long time. 

I'm settling in for the evening with a glass of wine, a comfy throw blanket, and my DVR. 
I've got some fun updates coming your way this week, including ones for Casa de Caitlin. I can't wait to see what y'all think.

Until then, heres some photos snapped with my Iphone of life as of late:

nothing like pizza and beer
an Elle and coffee kind of morning.

Nothin' like it.

curly hair kind of night.
trying a new snack. i approve. 

nothing in the world beats a freshly baked chocolate chip cookie.

See you all tomorrow,



  1. Colin, your apartment looks so askfjwk4jqewmtdf. Seriously, can't I just move in with you? No one I live with shows the slightest bit of interest in interior decor, so any bit of sprucing has been done by me, but I can't afford to do it all alone/don't want to impose my design on everyone else. Le sigh. Also, you look BEAUTIFULLL. Stoppit. I'm glad you're bold enough to make changes to your blog; it's such a tough plunge to make. But might I suggest you title it "Reverie to Reality" instead of just "Reverie?" That little phrase you made up has just about the nicest sound to it ever! Hope you're doing well.


  2. Oh my goodness, Cait! For one thing, you look BEAUTIFUL in your curly hair kinda night pic :] And I'm liking the new blog domain. Oddly enough, I always associate the world "reverie" with my first boyfriend- won't name any names (you know who)- I couldnt help but laugh when I saw it. I think it's a great title, though.
    Hope you're loving life up there, seems like things are going well.
    Miss you and love you.


  3. Pizza and beer is a lethal combo, in the best way possible of course. That pizza looks awesome and is making my tummy grumble around lunch time! Love your curly hair, I wish mine could do that
