Monday, July 18, 2011

{ Monday Moanin' }

Everytime Monday rolls around I think of when I was in middle school and my mom would take me to the bus stop in the morning because the radio station we always listened to had this little segment called "Monday Moanin'" where people would call in and vent about little things that irritate the hoo-haw (don't ask what made me go with that phrase) out of them (like long traffic lights, or when someone puts the milk back in the fridge when there is only a sip left, etc, etc.) WHEW that was quite the run on sentence. Lo siento.

So in the spirit of Monday Moanin', I would just like to say how much I hate waking up with  stiff muscles. Every doggone morning I feel the need to take ibuprofen or some kind of pain reliever because my jaw, neck, and shoulders are so tense I could crack them in half. What on earth do I dream about at night that makes me wake up this way? Good grief. 

In other news, I now have a second job for the summer, and I'm hoping the dolla dolla bills will make up for the lack of time I will have on my hands. I'm pretty sure they will because I'm broke as a joke, y'all. 

Well, I'm off to get ready for work and get a second cup of coffee in me. I do love my coffee...

and I think I need these.

Have a good day <3



  1. yum those tea cups look so good right now! I just found your blog and am now following. Please stop by mine, I'm currently doing a giveaway!

  2. I need those too! They are adorable-where did you find them?

  3. I love these coffee cups! Congrats on the second job, I wish I had one right now. I could use the extra cash before the school year starts!

  4. I actually can't figure out where to get them! I saw them on Pinterest (i linked the source in the post) but the site doesn't say where you can buy them that I can find =( fooey.

  5. I think I need these too!

    Love your blog. I am a new follower :)

    xoxo - Denise

    Come visit me too sometime!
