Yesterday it dawned on me how unorganized and stressed I felt. I was on edge about deadlines and to do lists and realized my current planner situation was not working. See, I had this monthly planner that I really enjoy, except its bound with those little prong/ring things and I've grown to really despise them because my pages always unhinge. When this happens, I stop using my planner. When I stop using my planner, chaos ensues.
I did what any stressed out, desperate, smart lady would do. I hauled myself to Target.
I got one large notebook (no prongs!) for $3.99, and then a pack of 3 small notebooks for the same price. I love the small notepads. They have illustrations of Paris, NYC, and London on them. Perfect for a wanderluster like myself.
I'm using the large notebook as my overall to-do lists for the week. The small notebooks are labeled with either Blog, School, or Life, and each have notes or lists related to those subjects. So for the blog notebook I'll scribble down post ideas, in school's notebook I keep track of deadlines and assignments, and in life I write budget information, new workouts I want to try, goals, etc.

I also picked up this little accordian file in the dollar bin section at Target (who else loves that area? they have the best stuff to make little V-day packages right now) which is perfect for helping me stick with my budget. I put labels in each little file folder (groceries, spending, gas, etc) and the money I put in each file is the amount I allow myself to spend in that area for the week. I find it really helpful to do this when it comes to the little things, because if I don't keep track I'll completely lose sight of all my little trips to Starbucks or magazine purchases and wonder where all my money went.
Ah. much better.
I've got some homework to tend to (I can't wait until the day that I never have to write another paper again) and then hopefully I'll get to do some leisurely reading. I realized today that as much as I love social media and blogging, I am just consumed with the internet, and I miss the feeling of curling up with something other than my laptop. So I'm hoping to pick up a good read. Any suggestions? I like things that are light and fun, and a little travel inspired never hurts :).
Hope you all have a wonderful day! Thanks so much for stopping by.