So. You'll find that often I'll refer to one person pretty regularly on here. That person would be my manfriend :).
That's him. His name is Trevor. I call him Tims.
Tims and I met in February on a class trip our freshman year of high school. We quickly fell into the same group of friends and began "dating" April 30th that same year.

Awwe! Itty bitty Tims.
At barely 15 years old I wasn't quite comfortable with the whole "girlfriend" thing, so after a couple of months I told Tims very dramatically over an email (sorry sweetie :) ) that I thought we should just be friends for a while, although we still liked each other. We stayed close friends for the next couple of years and in true high school fashion, despite the lack of a label, we would talk on the phone just about every night and end each call with a quick and awkward "i uhh..iloveyou." Trev didn't really understand my aversion to being his girlfriend, and I guess looking back I'm a little puzzled by it myself. But it sure made sense at the time.

Finally, in November of our junior year we went on our first date (I don't count the ones when we were 14, considering our parents had to drive us) and that Christmas I asked if I could be his girlfriend.
We didn't plan to come to the same college. This sort of happened somehow. I took a year off to live in Chicago after graduation and deferred to a college there. When I came to visit Trev at UC, I fell in love with the campus and decided to look into other colleges that I thought would suit me better than my previous choice. I randomly looked at the acting conservatory's website at UC, and fell in love a little more. I auditioned, I was accepted, and I came.
That all sounds rather swift, but, the truth is, Tims and I have had more than our fair share of...hiccups. We've been through a lot together. I think it's safe to say there were plenty of times when we both didn't know what would come of this.
Being at the same college presents different issues than being miles away. Don't get me wrong, I'd much prefer to deal with these issues than the other ones. But they are things to deal with, nevertheless.
Trev and I are in very demanding programs where we are. He has mounds of homework all the time, and I constantly have places to be. We mostly get to see each other in the evenings. I have rehearsals pretty late (right now they go to 10:30) and he's usually doing homework at the same time. As wonderful as it is to be right next door, it's still hard to find the time to be together, and sometimes that is even more frustrating. Considering how busy we both are, we actually do a really good job of finding time together. But the quality of the time varies. Especially in these last couple of weeks. We're both extremely stressed, and while Trev tends to become more introverted and isolated when he's stressed, I become really emotional, which adds OH so many fun colors to our relationship.
The more time Tims and I spend together, and the more hurdles we jump together, the more I realize that being in love is not like falling in love. It's not always glamourous and sometimes it's so frustrating that I just want to either scream or bury my head in the pillow because it was just all so simple in the beginning and how can he not understand what I mean by this or I know I sound like a looney bin right now but my mouth won't stop moving and why is he looking at me like that and CAN'T YOU JUST READ MY MIND SO WE CAN STOP HAVING THIS ARGUMENT?!
Thats the nature of relationships though. The beginning is easy. By the happy ending, you've come full circle.
But the middle....the middle is where you have to work.
I guess the important part is to like your co-worker :).
'Til next time...
Indeed it is! You guys are just adorable! P.S. on a shallow note: I don't think I have ever met two prettier (sorry trev) people in my life:)