i keep wanting to blog. in fact, i keep starting to blog, but before i know it i've saved the post as a draft, closed my computer and stepped away from it for the rest of the day.
i think that's called a rut.
the ironic thing is, i'm in this new{ish - i know i grew up here but it feels different after being away for years} creative city where i should be able to find inspiration right and left, but for some reason, i haven't been able to grasp any of it this week. i can see inspiration from afar, but it's like i can't interact with it. i've just been kind of watching it from a distance. so i haven't been blogging because i didn't feel like anything was worthy of a post, and for whatever reason, i keep putting an enormous amount of pressure on myself to only update the darn thing when i have original, creative content.
but this morning i thought, "i want to blog."
and so i promised myself i would. even if it was just me writing from bed with a cup of coffee and not a clue of where i'm going with it. so hi guys, how are you?
in theory, there are so many things i could be posting about. i've had a ton of ideas about new features/photo shoots i want to share {i.e. the patio project i worked on over the weekend, the new dresser we just got for the bedroom, the different beds we're considering to replace our current {broken} ikea one, the rug we've gotten {which i'm still on the fence about}, a fun couch/coffee table styling feature i created, etc.
but don't you ever feel overwhelmed by all of that? i have so many ideas, but somehow being in a new{ish} city, trying to find my bearings, working on making myself peaceful and happy and fulfilled even on the trying days, can make all of these ideas suddenly feel like more than one person can handle. after all, i don't really know the best place to go get flowers for a photo shoot that i want to style, or who will want to collaborate and be a part of these things with me {or if they'll just think it's totally weird}. i guess the bottom line is, i don't have
my people yet. my creative people {like
danielle &
alaina &
jess} who won't laugh at me when i talk about the latest issue of Lonny, interiors, projects and ideas, but instead, fuel them with their own creative energy and input.
finding your people takes time, and i have to remind myself that the discomfort you feel after moving to a different city is often the best part - after all, it's when you learn the most.
so for now, ill just enjoy the view.