So a while ago I kept receiving these emails from Google that were all "you need to renew your blog URL." And I was all "yeahyeahyeah I'll do it tomorrow."
Fast forward to a few weeks later. My poor little blog URL was officially lost thanks to my negligence (doh!) and the process of reclaiming the URL through GoDaddy and moving all the posts over seemed reeeeally overwhelming considering my new job was just starting up and I was still trying to wrap up a few freelance projects. And for some reason the idea of blogging on a url that no one knew of was really unappealing. And so there my little blog sat. For over two months. Neglected.
I'm sorry, blog.
But finally I got the overwhelming urge to post and I thought to myself "Caitlin! Put on your big girl britches and just freaking do it already."
So, hi. How are you? If you're even still reading this, you're extremely kind and I really appreciate it.
Needless to say, the last couple of months have been prettttty crazy. I started a new job, moved to a different apartment, and have generally been trying to adjust to my new life and schedule. And of course, I try as hard as I can to plan visits and dates with this guy:
In the past year, so many of my "reveries" really have become reality. Sometimes it's hard to even grasp, but I just wanted to say thank you for coming along on the ride and encouraging me each step of the way.
I missed you, little blog. I promise I'll be back again soon.
his & hers
In the past year, so many of my "reveries" really have become reality. Sometimes it's hard to even grasp, but I just wanted to say thank you for coming along on the ride and encouraging me each step of the way.
I missed you, little blog. I promise I'll be back again soon.