I haven't been clothes shopping in quite some time, and I must say, I miss that rush of trekking home with a bag full of new goodies! It's not a huge priority for the moment, as I have many other things to take care of first (like getting an apartment), but when I dooo have a few pennies to spare, I definitely plan to hit up Miss Dorothy Perkins. I always find such great deals on this site, though I've never actually purchased from them before. Does anyone have any first hand experience with the quality of their items? I'll admit, $57 for a blouse sounds a little steep for me, personally, because I typically buy that kind of thang from H&M or the Nordstrom Rack where you can usually find decent deals around $30. But! Who knows. Sometimes ya just have to shine your shoes.
Just in case you were a wonderin', there is a reason that I've been spending some time window shopping online lately...I'll be filling all of you in tomorrow, so be sure to check back :).
Thanks for stopping in guys. I hope you have a marvelous Monday. lovelovelove.