I went to bed late late night with a migraine while trying to finish up a client project, and groggily woke up at 6:45 to get little Taylor off to school (the daughter of the family that I've been staying with since June). I was wishing my alarm clock would let me sleep a little longer. I went to bed the night before feeling defeated, worried, stressed, and plum sad, and all I really wanted to do today was stay in bed, despite the fact that my to-do list heavily disagrees with that sentiment.
But, up I got. I poured a cup of coffee, made breakfast and then headed out to walk Tay off to school. As soon as we stepped outside, I was glad that Diana had asked me to take Taylor this morning. The fresh air felt good, and the blue sky revived my spirits a bit.
I don't mean to be overly wordy with these posts lately, but the truth is, its hard to blog about cute products and pretty things when life is kicking you in the rear. That being said, I recognize that I am so fortunate in so many ways, and I am working to dwell more in that than in what I am lacking and have yet to resolve. I only wish I know how to make everything simple again.
Thank goodness for all of the people I have in my life who encourage me, push me forward, and bring me light and positivity. Thank you for all of your kind words.