Monday, October 22, 2012

{ when I have a few pennies to spare... }

I haven't been clothes shopping in quite some time, and I must say, I miss that rush of trekking home with a bag full of new goodies! It's not a huge priority for the moment, as I have many other things to take care of first (like getting an apartment), but when I dooo have a few pennies to spare, I definitely plan to hit up Miss Dorothy Perkins. I always find such great deals on this site, though I've never actually purchased from them before. Does anyone have any first hand experience with the quality of their items? I'll admit, $57 for a blouse sounds a little steep for me, personally, because I typically buy that kind of thang from H&M or the Nordstrom Rack where you can usually find decent deals around $30. But! Who knows. Sometimes ya just have to shine your shoes.
Just in case you were a wonderin', there is a reason that I've been spending some time window shopping online lately...I'll be filling all of you in tomorrow, so be sure to check back :).
Thanks for stopping in guys. I hope you have a marvelous Monday. lovelovelove.

Monday, October 15, 2012

{ rise and shine }

image via

Oh, heavens.
The cold weather and my soft sheets and cushy pillows are all urging me to crawl back into bed for a few more hours with a good movie and my cup of coffee.

What I would give.

Unfortunately, I'm getting dressed to grab the bus downtown for a day at the (leasing) office where I work a couple of days a week for some steady income.

My boy came in over the weekend to celebrate some amazing news with me. I cannot wait to share with you guys the details of how my life is about to get all kinds of crazy and different. Stay tuned later this week. I have so much to catch you up on!

Hope you all are having a more energetic Monday than I am. If you can, stay huddled under those blankets just a little longer and relish the morning for me. I'm already officially jealous.



Friday, October 5, 2012

{ wanna know a secret? }

I got lots of sweet compliments on this little ensemble that I wore to The Everygirl Contributors party at The Bedford the other night, and I just thought I had to share the little secret.

I'm dressed head to toe in Target, y'all.

The only part of that that embarrasses me is that I hate wearing head to toe of any store. I always feel like such a dork walking into H&M because half the time I look like the mannequin. #needtogetoutmore.

Anyway, this stuff is awesome. The leather panel leggings were $30, as was the top, and the shoes were actually on sale for $20, I believe. I did, however, mix things up by throwing in my Blair Ritchey Mini Lulu in pale pink. I really love all of Blair's pieces (I mean, who doesn't?). 

Shop the look here:

Something neato is happening today that I don't want to share with you just yet...but fingers crossed I can soon! Just send good vibes, please :).

I'm heading to Cincinnati this weekend which I am so.excited.for. 
I think a little weekend away from work, the hustle and bustle, a few brewskis and glasses of wine with old friends, and quality time with Trevor is just what the doctor ordered.

Have an awesome weekend guys. Thanks so much for stopping in. lovelovelove.


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

{ black & white. oh, and I need coffee }

I'm not sure there's any other color palette quite as timeless and striking as black and white. Thanks to a couple of recent client projects, my love for this classic color combo has been reignited in full force. I'm still deciding whether I plan to go more neutral in my (imaginary) Chicago apartment, or if I'll embrace a mass of colors, playing up the feminine because I have a distinct feeling it will be my last apartment where I don't have to live with a stinkin' boy. 

It's chilly and crisp out here, and maaan I'd love to stay tucked under my covers with a good book and a cuppa tea. Alas, I will be working downtown from 9-6 followed directly by a meeting at a clients house. We are installing their design next week and let's just stay we still have loootsa work to do. But we will do it. Because we're baller.

Either way, it's gonna be a long day folks. Fill up my coffee cup.

Thanks so much for stopping in. lovelovelove.


images via 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Thursday, September 27, 2012

{ when all else fails... }

I went to bed late late night with a migraine while trying to finish up a client project, and groggily woke up at 6:45 to get little Taylor off to school (the daughter of the family that I've been staying with since June). I was wishing my alarm clock would let me sleep a little longer. I went to bed the night before feeling defeated, worried, stressed, and plum sad, and all I really wanted to do today was stay in bed, despite the fact that my to-do list heavily disagrees with that sentiment.

But, up I got. I poured a cup of coffee, made breakfast and then headed out to walk Tay off to school. As soon as we stepped outside, I was glad that Diana had asked me to take Taylor this morning. The fresh air felt good, and the blue sky revived my spirits a bit.

I don't mean to be overly wordy with these posts lately, but the truth is, its hard to blog about cute products and pretty things when life is kicking you in the rear. That being said, I recognize that I am so fortunate in so many ways, and I am working to dwell more in that than in what I am lacking and have yet to resolve. I only wish I know how to make everything simple again.

Thank goodness for all of the people I have in my life who encourage me, push me forward, and bring me light and positivity. Thank you for all of your kind words.



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

{ like a chicken with its head cut off }

One of these days I'm going to stop apologizing for disappearing for days at a time. One of these days I'm going to be one of those girls who wakes up at 5am and gets a work out in and starts her productive day promptly at 8 and eats by 5 or 6. 
'Til then, I'm one of those girls who runs around like a chicken with her head cut off. 

I've been working on a mix of client projects. Like this one:
Bless my little clients hearts for being so sweet about this heinous photoshop job. The project has a super quick turn-around (3-4 weeks from start to finish) so I couldn't take my time making the storyboard ultra beautiful because we've got to get to making decisions and placing orders (it's kind of a hybrid of an e-design and local interior decorating project).  And obviously the plant would have a planter. Luckily, they got the idea. It's very urban, no? They live in an awesome lofty space in downtown Chicago with beautiful views. We're actually going to be going in a different direction than this, but I'm still a little obsessed with the kelly green. I'll have to find somewhere in my next home to utilize a little taste of it.

I'm also working downtown as a leasing agent a couple days a week to provide some steady income. On Sunday, I worked with Anne Book on her adorable son's room. All we did was rearrange the furniture, declutter, and reorganize and it feels like a completely room. All it cost was labor. Such an amazing testament to what a little elbow grease can do for ya! I wish I had before and after photos, but there will be plenty of those to come.

I'm still working on my website, y'all. Almost there. ALLLMOST.

I need to find something to wear to The Everygirl Contributors Party that is happening this Thursday. Must do laundry. Shoot.

See how scattered this post is? This is what my brain looks like these days. But in the end, you've just gotta keep going. So I shall. Off I go to shower and run like a bunny to try to catch the bus downtown!

Hope you all have the most wonderful day. Thanks so much for stopping in. lovelovelove


Thursday, September 20, 2012

{ guidelines, not deadlines }

Since starting my decorating business a few months ago, there have been so many rewarding moments. Sometimes I stare at my inbox and the fact that I have any emails at all from people who want to work with me just still astounds me and fills my heart with so much joy. So on that note, thank you. Thank you to each and every one of you.

And then there are weeks like this. Weeks where I feel so entirely, completely incompetent that I wonder why anyone hires me to begin with. Weeks where I beat myself up because I didn't nail a design board on the first try. Weeks that I do nothing but doubt myself and my ability to be in this profession. Weeks that I look at all the things I have yet to do to make myself more "official" as a designer/decorator and so I feel silly and small. Weeks that I dwell on the fact that I don't have an apartment right now. Weeks that I dwell on the fact that every time I think I'm getting closer to getting one it seems like a million expenses are thrown at me, making it feel light years away before I will ever get one. Weeks that I miss my friends and Trevor so much my heart hurts and I wish I was back in Cincinnati, hanging out with him and watching a movie in my little apartment that I left behind.

But the truth is, there is a learning curve with changes that are this big. I've never had my own business before, obviously. So as much faith as I have in my abilities and as much as I really, truly do believe that I have something great to offer my clients (I do! promise!) of course I am still learning. Of course I am still figuring things out. And while, yes, I should own my strengths and abilities and be confident in my work, if I was so arrogant to think that everything I do is perfect and that I already know how everything works, no one would want to work with me to begin with. 

So, instead of dwelling on these things that I have yet to accomplish or figure out, I will do my best to celebrate that I have had the opportunity to work with gracious, funny, smart, sweet clients who love what I do. I will celebrate the fact that I have collaborated and worked with people like Alaina and Danielle and Jess. I will celebrate the fact that my portfolio is growing, (and it will be shared as soon as it can be). I will celebrate that I am living with an amazing family who has so kindly opened up their home to me for the past three and a half months and continues to do so everyday. I will celebrate that I have a boyfriend who is willing to spend his weekends driving back and forth to see me when he can, and is supportive and encouraging of what I'm doing. I will celebrate the fact that I have amazing friends in many cities. And I will celebrate the fact that I'm in my early twenties. That I'm learning. That I get to cut myself a little slack because I'm young and brand spankin' new to "the real world."

A few weeks ago, I was talking with two friends about how one of them is planning to move to New York for her career. I kept pressing my friend with questions about the date of her move, and after about the fifth time that I brought it up, her friend finally reminded me that life is about "guidelines, not deadlines." 

So that is what I will do. I will give myself guidelines for my career and life, and as long as I stay focused on those goals, they will come to fruition, without the added pressure of a looming deadline to make me stressed and anxious. 

And on that note, I'm off to work on a few projects (I am happy to say I currently have a full client load!). How lucky I am to be doing this. I cannot wait to share what I've been working on! If you're interested in a design service or signing up for the waitlist, be sure to email me.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. lovelovelove.


image via

Friday, September 14, 2012

Love Note: Emily Henderson

Oh, Emily.
How I love thee.

No, but really.

I love her.

I remember many moons ago, watching Miss Henderson on Design Star and obsessing over her infamous glass house space. Then, she won the competition and I was elated because it meant I could keep up with her on Secrets From a Stylist on HGTV. Then I found out she was a blogger. And my little heart swelled even more. Sometimes when I see her working and talking with bloggers that I follow everyday, it makes me think I know her a little bit. Like, we know the same people. Run in the same circles. Though in all fairness, most of those people I just know (they don't really know me, persay) but who is getting technical about this? The point is, we're practically best friends.

I love looking to Emily's portfolio for inspiration when I work with my own clients. Her projects are so diverse, yet you sense Emily's aesthetic in all of them, no matter the style. They are layered, bold, comfortable, and interesting. And most recently, I'm so inspired by her new guest room. 

THAT is the magic of styling, people. 

In conclusion, I love Emily and you should too (though you probs already do).


P.S.Speaking of all of this, I've been working on a site for my design/styling services which will be up verrrry soon. Unfortunately for all of us, I'm designing it myself so these things go at a snail's pace because I first have to figure out what the heck I'm doing. But I'm almost done! It should be going up next week, so please stay tuned! 

**all photos via Emily's portfolio 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

{ Styling: Jess LC Randolph and Webster Launch }

I had the honor of styling the new Jess LC Randolph Tray collection, and am so excited to share the beautiful photos with you. I absolutely love these trays. They are the perfect gift for someone you love (the holidays are getting closer) or treat for yourself. And as you can tell from the lookbook, there are so many ways to use them! Shop yours here. She also launched some ADORABLE new stationary that I'm dying to snatch up. 

Be sure to check out all of the goods. You won't be disappointed.

Off I go to work! Hope you all have a wonderful day. lovelovelove.


Tuesday, September 11, 2012

{ remember }

today my heart and prayers go out to all of those whose lives were taken on this day eleven years ago, and my gratitude goes to those who have defended our nation since. 

always remember. never forget. 

image via

Friday, September 7, 2012

{ florals abound }

I can't get enough of florals lately. Such a delightful pop of pattern, and I find it provides the perfect opportunity to do some fun mixing, like the first room with the floral wallpaper and chevron rug, and the last room with the floral throw and striped sofa.

Don't mind if I do.

image 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

{ tuckered out }

photo via

Hey guys and gals.
 Hows your week going? Despite the fact that it was a long weekend, I'm still feeling pretty tuckered out. I worked most of the holiday (albeit from bed with the Kardashians on in the background, so I'm not complaining!) and there is still much to be accomplished/to update you guys on this week. 

I have a couple of new upcoming design projects that I'm so, so excited to work on, wrapped up a fun styling project last week (that i cannot wait to share with you guys!) and am starting a new "day job" today so that I can pay dem billz. 

Its going to be a long road, folks. But it will be quite the journey.

I'll share more updates soon. Pinky swear. 


Friday, August 31, 2012

{ life lately }

Hey guys, long time no talk. Between moving, trying to catch up with work, and coming down with a nasty cold, my energy to blog has been zapped right out of me. But not to worry. Things are about to get a lot simpler in my life starting next week, so I should be back in full swing soon. 

In the meantime, here's whats been happenin':

 all the pretty things come down in the old apartment.

 said goodbye to my sweet little chair.

 ripped my jeans a little more than what is socially acceptable during the move.

took a break from moving to browse my favorite Cincinnati consignment shop one last time, and came across this unbelievable campaign dresser/nightstand set. $170 for both. BANANAS.

 byebye little house.

Because I've been sick since I got back, I'm still behind with emails and projects, so I'll most likely be spending this weekend catching up with alllll that mess. It's going to feel good to get things back in order. Ya know when everything from your blog to your inbox feels like a heaping pile of crap? That's kind of the boat I'm in right now. With the help of some Theraflu, and my trusty laptop, I'll get things squared away ;).

Hope you all have a wonderful day.


Tuesday, August 28, 2012

{ on the road again }

Hey friends! Sorry for my radio silence the past few days.
I'm finishing up the move out of my apartment in Cincinnati and will be hitting the road back to Chicago later on today. I promise to post with an update on how everything is going.

thanks for stickin' with me. hope you all are having a great week.


Thursday, August 23, 2012

{ a night in the park }

Last night I checked off one more thing on my summer bucket list.

See a movie in the park. 

I ventured to a large, grassy area with Danielle, Alaina, Alaina's boyfriend Mike, and Colleen and Nick, Danielle's friends from Crossfit. We came prepared with blankets, all kinds of yummy snacks, and plenty of wine. I also brought my laptop, of course. Because it makes sense to try and do work at such an event, doesn't it?

Then I remembered you don't get internet in the middle of the park. Which is probably a blessing because what kind of crazy person tries to do work while seeing a movie in the middle of the park with night stars and city lights beyond the screen? It felt nice in that moment to just watch the movie. drink wine. laugh. and be happy.

As I sat there last night, I laid down and took a second to stare at the stars. Something about doing that always makes me feel like a little kid again. As I was laying there, I felt the biggest wave of peace and happiness rush over me. Myself a year ago would have laughed if you told me I would be sitting on a blanket with Alaina and Danielle in Chicago watching a movie in the park. But here I am. In Chicago. Working with people I admire. Offering design services. Having fun. Doing things I thought were so beyond reality for me. And no matter how many things are unsettled right now, I knew in that moment that I'm exactly where I'm meant to be. And there are so many more things to come that I haven't even dreamed of yet. And I mean this for everyone. Do not underestimate yourself. 

You just never know where you'll be in a year.



(thank you to Miss Danielle for the last two photos thanks to her iPhone)

Monday, August 20, 2012

{ Marital Bliss }

Having a boyfriend who is design savvy is awesome for a lot of reasons. He doesn't complain when I suggest we go to a furniture store, he gives me advice on my decorating projects, and doesn't roll his eyes when I tell him about my deep emotional feelings for a throw pillow. 

However, there is a downside. 

Since he actually has an opinion about things that are interior and design related, it means that when we move into together next year I'm going to have to consult him before I make any interior/design related decisions in our home. He's going to have an opinion about the throw pillows, the mirrors, the couch, the bedding, the dinnerware. All of it. And we've both accumulated a lot of our own furniture over the past couple of years, so figuring out what can stay and what needs to go will be a challenge, to say the least, because we both really like our own pieces. I figured I can't be the only one in this position, so with the encouragement of Jess, I added a brand new package to my interior decorating services. 

Introducing, The Marital Bliss Package.

This service is here to help ease the pain of merging two homes into one. After you take the leap of faith to move in with your loved one, I’ll help you plan a space that will reflect both of you by merging your individual items,  helping you select which pieces will stay and which pieces will go, as well as choose new pieces that will complete and unify the space. The service is priced at $200 a room, and like all of my design packages, includes three rounds of revisions.

I'm also going to be updating my design services page with a full list of packages and pricing later on today (much easier than having to email every time for a price list, don't ya think?) so be sure to check back!

Have you moved in with a loved one lately and experienced some decorating woes?

Happy Monday, everyone! lovelovelove.


P.S. How lovely is the photograph I used in that storyboard? Purchase from Etsy here.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

{ Pinterest for Men }

It's happened.
My boy has finally jumped on the Pinterest bandwagon. 
For those of you who don't know, Trevor is an industrial/product designer and has awesome taste, so I'm loving going through his pinboards.

See for yourself:

I know. I'm a lucky lady. When we get a place together next year, we're gonna have a rootin' tootin' time sprucing the place up.

Go on and add a man's point of view to your Pinterest feed. Follow him here.



photo 1, 2, 3, 4 5

Monday, August 13, 2012

{ Juxtaposition }

I came across this image via Country Living today and feel instantly in love.
This is a perfect example of layering a room to feel collected and thoughtful but never too "decorated" or overdone. The graphic West Elm poufs add the perfect touch of contrast against the rest of the neutral, natural fabrics. 

What has been inspiring you guys lately? I won't even attempt to apologize for my absence--days have been filled with applying to jobs (more on that later) client projects, internships, and generally sorting out my life :). I'm getting there though! Stick with me.

Hope you all have a wonderful day. Thanks so much for stopping in. lovelovelove.
