I had the most wonderful day off.
The first stop I made was at Bunaglow in Montrose. It's this sweet, adorable coffeehouse located in (you guessed it) a bungalow. They also sell clothes and great little gifts, like journals, books, stationary, etc. I walked in and immediately got all googly eyed and gaga. I love a good coffee shop.
I loved this little computer nook.
lots of mixed patterns.
the front porch was one of my favorite parts.

I enjoyed a "blonde and sweet" coffee with a blueberry scone on the front deck
I sat for a bit and admired all of the pretty townhouses on the street, and then decided to move on to my next stop. This one was legendary. And it snuck up on me. See, I read about The Guild Shop online and thought it sounded like a really neat place to visit, but I had no hopes of being able to actually purchase something. It sounded like they had some pretty ritzy clientele, and though I may have just worked for 3 weeks straight, I'm still not exactly rollin' in the dough. But I went anyway, because I love looking at furniture.
When I first walked in, it was a room mostly full of clothes and jewelry. I marveled at the jewelry selection for a while but then I turned the corner into the houseware section of the store. I'm not even kidding, my heart started racing. There was SO much to see.
I thought these mugs were so neat. I meant to snatch them up but I got sidetracked.I kept moseying through until I found the room with the furniture pieces. And then I saw it.
This amazing, perfect condition, bentwood chair. Just like the one I've been picturing in my head, drooling over on blogs, and searching for for months. I nervously checked the price tag.
excuse me?
I found another variation of the bentwood chair at a thrift store a few weeks ago for $50.00 and it was in such poor condition that you couldn't even sit on it. The cheapest I've found them online is around $100 and even that is scarce. But it get's better. I later found out it had been reduced again for $19. NINETEEN DOLLARS. I carried it around the store with me for the next two hours because I didn't want anyone else to think they were buying it. I'm most likely going to use mine as my new desk chair.
lookin' all gorgeous with a saarinen style tableand a bench version paired with a deskSigh. I'm so in love.
I also scored an AMAZING coffee table, but it was covered with other furniture in the store so I couldn't snap a picture, and it was too dark by the time I get home to get a good shot.
But I'm antsy so here is a terrible quality photo of it. It's hard to tell what it really looks like, but the top is this really neat wood pattern and the legs are iron. It's completely unique and it caught my eye immediately. So I got it :). 60 buckaroos, y'all. I felt like I had just won the lottery by the time I left.
A few other things that caught my eye...
AMAZING farmhouse table for $120. I wanted to get it terribly but it wouldn't fit in my car and the lady I work for is already giving me a free dining table. But this baby was perfect. And such a STEAL.
library catalog. give this little number some tlc and prop it on some legs, and you'd be in business. (Pardon the yellow-ness of these pictures. I forgot to set the white balance on my camera)
Here's some inspiration:
I loved this sofa because of how deep it was. Sitting on it made me feel like a little girl. It was super cozy and even though it's not normally the style couch I would go for, it grew on me more and more over the two hours I was there. I even considered buying it because it was priced EXTREMELY well at $198 and in amazing condition, but it wouldn't fit in the doorway of my apartment. Fooey.
All of my pacing around the store made me work up an appetite so after I left I stopped at Cafe Express for lunch
Roasted turkey sandwich and sweet potato fries. delish.
And ended the day with Ladies Happy Hour at Chelsea Wine Bar. You can't beat $1 Sangria.
it was the perfect day off :).
I just got home from work a couple of hours ago, so I'm going to enjoy a chick flick and some pizza and beer. Another wonderful way to spend an evening. I hope you all have a great weekend!