Hey little blog,
I have not forgotten about you. I'm just not sure what to talk to you about right now.
See, I have a lot of my mind, little blog. But I'm not sure you're ready to hear it.
I've attempted a few posts and have drafts sitting there waiting to be "published" but usually when things are quiet on here it's because I'm not exactly sure how to turn current events in my life into a blogger-friendly post. Here is what I'll say for now: things have changed a bit. im not sure i could call the changes good or bad. but i suppose they are necessary. i dont know what exactly some parts of my life will look like in a couple of months but no matter what i'm sure things will turn out just fine.
meanwhile, i'm spending time with my family hanging out at the neighborhood wine bar
hanging out with Blakey Boy (the boy I'm nannying for this summer)
thinking, and writing. and hopefully reading, soon. I'm dying to pick up a new book to read.
I've also been daydreaming about new ideas for my Cincinnati apartment come September 1st. I'll update y'all with some of those deets soon.
I should be off to bed. I saw Bridesmaids for the 4th time tonight. I know that's a little excessive but it makes me laugh. And if you've seen it, I want to marry Officer Rhodes. Tomorrow morning at 9am I'm being picked up by Blakey Boy and his grandma for an excursion to Ikea. Lord help me. I'm not sure how I'll survive with a two year old in Ikea for 4 hours but time will tell.
Hope you're all having a good week. Tomorrow is Friday :).