Thursday, April 28, 2011

{Sneaky Peak}

Better/more pictures to come!
I hadn't quite figured out my camera's settings yet when I took these which is why they seem a little dark and blah.

Happy Thursday :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

{Check, Check!}

I finally tried out the new frozen yogurt place up the street the other day.
One word: yummo. 
And only about $2.50!

Spring has been pretty busy the past couple of weeks which explains my lack of daily posts.
I have a huge midterm to study for tomorrow but I just couldn't wait another day to tell you guys the next thing that I'm checking off of my 25 before 25 list :).
But first you have to watch this video:

Thats right y'all. 
I'm off to the world of Disney!

Treasure's family invited me along on their trip and I feel SO lucky.
I distinctly remember watching that preview multiple times a day when I would watch my daily Disney movie (I was obsessed) and I can't believe I'm finally going to get to go.

I think I'm most excited about meeting all of the Disney chracters. Particularly the princesses. 
And Mickey, obviously. 

One small problem.
I'm terrified of roller coasters, y'all.
I had a horrifying experience on the Scooby Doo Ghoster Coaster when I was about 6 or 7 years old and it scarred me for life. 

I hope I can overcome my fear.
I can't go to DISNEY and not ride a coaster!
...can I?

Friday, April 22, 2011


I can't tell you how many posts I have sat down to write in this past week. I just can't seem to finish a single one. This is what happens when I've got too much going on. I get insane in the membrane and can't complete a single thought. My to-do list for today is intimidating me but I'm trying to just check off one thing at a time, instead of doing my usual method of half completing one of the tasks and moving on to the next one because it's just never rewarding to do all of that work but not be able to check them off your list. Oy.


Speaking of lists.

I have been checking some items off of my 25 before 25 list that I'm so excited to finally tell you about.

I'm going to divide these things up into different posts so that my ADD brain doesn't get overwhelmed by all the things I want to say.

First of all, I finally bought a camera! Originally I really wanted to be one of the "cool" bloggers who had a digital SLR camera but honestly, y'all, I don't have the moolah nor the patience to figure out how the hay those things work. So instead, I went with the Nikon Coolpix P80.

I'm really, really happy with it so far. It just came in the mail yesterday so I'm still getting used to it but I think I made a good decision in choosing this kind of camera. I got a REALLY good deal on it on Amazon, and it still has a few manual options but it muchhh more beginner friendly for someone like me. Trust me yall, I tried to change something manually yesterday and my pictures were all out of whack. I think for now I'll stick with the auto settings. The camera is much smarter than I.

As soon as I'm finished washing my sheets I'll get a picture up of my room/apartment :)

Next up is two more items I'm checking off my 25 before 25 list, as well as a post about my birfday plans. Stay tuned ;).


Monday, April 18, 2011

{Life has been patiently waiting for me.}

Ever since seeing Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, I've been dieing to go to Greece. Judge me if you must, but nevertheless, doesn't that picture look dreamy?

Its days like this that I have so much I want to say to you, little blog,
but I just don't know where to begin.

I'm both completely content and completely anxious right now.
Does anyone know what I mean by that?

Maybe the words will come to me tomorrow.
For now, I hope you're all having a good start to your week. And also, you should all visit my sister's new blog, The Funnel of L-O-V-E. It's about her trials and lessons in relationships, and though I may be bias, I believe it's super smart and super relatable.


Friday, April 15, 2011

{It's Friday!}

I found this picture perusing the interwebs,
and I. am. in. love.

I think Colmar and I are made for each other.

I'm so delighted it's the weekend. 
I'm plum tired and will probably spend the rest of my night doing laundry, 
watching Bravo and relaxing.
(I may invite Ben and Jerry over to hang out toooo)


Have a happy weekend y'all <3


Thursday, April 14, 2011

{Hello there...}

Hey y'alll.
My presence has been scarce around these parts lately, and I don't like it one bit. I've been indulging in a lot of downtime with friends as well as being kept quite busy with classes and a couple of other exciting things that I'm excited to post about soon :).

(don't you hate when bloggers do that?)

I'm working on checking some things off of my 25 before 25 list! My next birthday is a little over a month away so it will be interesting to see how many I get checked off the ol' list. I am reeeallllyy hoping and thinking that getting a good camera will be one of them, which means more fun things for the blogosphere :) Anyway, I'll definitely share more with you all soon about whats been going on lately. I would write about it now, but it's now 12:15 and I neeeed to go over my notes for a test tomorrow.

By the way, I'm enjoying my classes a lot more this quarter. Two of them are quite a bit more challenging than my past classes, and I think my Effective Public Speaking class is helping me come out of my shell a little bit again. More on all of that next time. Like maybe tomorrow.

Also, by the way,
I never anticipated the day that I would want a pink couch,
but this image had me at hello.

Have a good Thursday everyone <3


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

{Numbered Thoughts.}

1. It's sunny here in Cincinnati today.
Thank gooooodness. Let's see how long this lasts :)

  2. I loathe laundry but love laundry rooms.

3. I've decided that with my birthday looming in the next month and a half-ish, it's time to seriously start checking some things off of my 25 before 25 list. Besides, I could use some spice in my life, so what better time than now to start doing some things I've always wanted to? I think I want to start with investing in a good camera and also perhaps taking a cooking class. I'm itching to do lots of the other ones too, but I should pace myself, yes? I'm keepin' an eye on it though ;).

 Life is grand.


Friday, April 1, 2011


baby feet.

ice cream stands.


sprinkle pancakes.

Ya just can't look at these things and not smile. I'm tiiiiired after a long day of classes and a good workout. So very excited for the weekend, though I'm not yet sure of my plans. But I do think those sprinkle pancakes may just have to make an appearance.

Hope you all had a great Friday <3